One of my strengths is persistence. One thing about going up against odds is that it makes one strong enough to do it again and again. I have never thought things would be handed to me, since they usually werent, so this started me off on being quite persistent. Sometimes it can be handy to have had a past struggle.
Apparently I'm going to have to be SUPER persistent here in the world of getting a decent IEP. I was just sent a draft IEP today that is an absolute joke.
Only it's not very funny when grown adults who should be professionals act like children that dont want to pick up their room.
Personally, I'm ready to go straight into complaints and DUE PROCESS. I'm not sure I want to wait around any longer.
Yes, there is a scholarship on the line but what if, what if I actually wanted to use that IEP next year and go to our local public school where (remember) the tutor said she only works off the IEP. Then would this lame ass piece of paper that barely says anything do the job for my child? NOPE. Not at all.
Once again how do these people sleep at night? Really, I'm still astonished.
So again another battle.
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