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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dyslexia information aka It can be hard to know who's trustworthy

So in forming the parent discussion group where we will  talk about reading struggles I have to go about it rather quietly.

We are going to have the tutor come in and speak to the group and also the intervention specialist. 

I need to do that even though I'm expecting to have to bite my lip until it bleeds because these are the already established authorities about reading in this school community. 

I have to play the game. 

Just a side note:  I'm not terribly good at game playing.  One would think that after all of these years (I'm no spring chicken) I would be good at game playing.  I'm not.  It's part of my natural weirdness that I've never been all that good at politics and game playing.  Sigh.

Still, this subject is so important to me.  I'm setting a small goal for myself,  3 kids.  If I can help 3 families learn what they need to know to help 3 kids then,  well,  it was worth it.

I don't have any idea how many people will show up at this discussion group.  Really, no idea.  But I know a lady in a well regarded district who has tried to create a similar group and they had 300 people show.  So who knows.

Statistically 20% of the population has dyslexia so at least 20% of the children in the Catholic school we are in are going to be or are already struggling readers.  So call it market research, I think someone will come.   We will see.  My mom is praying for us and she is a great prayer.  I have hope.

Now on to more thoughts. 

Yesterday someone told me that they are having their child tested 3 times a year to make sure that the private school which specializes in dyslexia is doing a good job. 

It wasn't the first time I've heard of this but let's suppose for  a moment that, they aren't.  That really the child isn't making as much progress as they could at our (one of 11 in the entire country) school.  Where else is there to go?

I think accountability is a great idea but there really aren't any better options.  I mean there just isn't anything else.

Perhaps I'm not as mistrusting of our school because my brother went there ages ago and he can read.  They have refined the techniques since then and I have seen my daughter read. 

It seems silly to pay an outside entity extra money to use their testing method (called Aimsweb) to watch my child.  I understand why a public school person would want to do this but not where we are.

It's hard to know whom to trust.  Another part of what makes this whole subject so crazy.

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