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Thursday, August 29, 2013

More Teacher's Union third grade reading guarantee thoughts

So I have thrown my concept;  that the real first purpose of this third grade guarantee is to dismantle the power of the public school teachers union (which I learned yesterday is the most powerful union in the state of Ohio) at some folks,  different folks, smart folks, people who somehow have a foothold in the educational community.

Not everyone is buying my thoughts.  One person I really respect didn't buy it at all.

Yet I still believe it.  So I want to further defend my theory.

Here are the states which have a third grade reading guarantee law in place

AZ AR TN OH CT DC NC OK MD MO GA IA DE CA and FL (since 2002 for FL) per this website

I'll get back to this in a moment.

I am still pouring over the way the one here in Ohio is written (it's senate bill 316 by the way) available here:

So let's see what I've got so far to back up my claim that the whole real point of this is to dismantle the teacher's union. 

(It used to be the steel workers union was the largest strongest union in Ohio but if you've been to Cleveland lately then you know that isn't the case anymore and hasn't been for a long time). 

 First, teachers who are determined to be "ineffective' based on test results will be required to pay for training at their own expense.  (No one good is going to want to have to deal with that now are they?  Those folks will most likely move on to better districts rather than have that hassle, hence a downward spiral in the quality of educators making what I'm about to say next go even faster).

Second,  I just learned by reading the above mentioned website (the law link) that the state is going to reserve the right to close any school they deem to be in academic emergency (and turn it into what the law calls a community school description 3314 of the revised code)  I need to look this up,  are they going to turn the school into a charter school? That's my thought but I still need to investigate it.  3302.03

It's looking like a lot of the state education money here is going to be going to funding charter schools and other alternatives to public schools (again no union folks working in those now don't you know).

Union power to protect workers rights is out the window if the teacher, based on student test scores is deemed ineffective.  The law supersedes any bargaining agreement. That right there is a huge warning flag that this law is up to no good at all.

A third party is going to be hired to make these sort of subjective judgment calls.  That's another warning flag.  Who is doing the hiring and who are they hiring.  How are the folks they are hiring qualified more than people already working for the Ohio Department of Education? I'm pretty sure the party making that judgment call are going to have the same agenda of closing down the schools and dismantling the union as quickly as possible as the folks who passed this law.

The teachers are sitting ducks and this is an utter setup.

Now go back to the top where I listed the states that already have this in place. This isn't a new model, this is a model that's been passed in other states already.  No politician had to reinvent the wheel here,  just take the model, pass the law and apply force.

I want to write more but I have to go be a bus driver for kids to get to school.

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