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Thursday, September 26, 2013

A tremendous amount of illiteracy

So I reflect on this subject a lot.  I talk to a lot of people in all walks of life,  always educating (as my mom would say) about dyslexia. 

I'm getting to the place where I believe that people who were in elementary school from about 1987 onward are 20%-40% still struggling readers even as adults.

I thought of another way to gauge this.  How do the military branches teach and test?  Is it similar to the health care industry that now questions everyone having surgery with how do they learn best because they know that they cant send home written information about homecare if a person avoids reading at all costs?

Today I think our Catholic school is just hiding this same information that I've known all along.  A significant number of children are not responding to their teaching methodology.  It's the same everywhere really (at least in my state).  Only they aren't really in the loop of what's going on other places so they don't know this the way I do.

Let's hope this is all they are hiding. Since I certainly have the sense that something is being hidden.

Funny,  I talked to someone I trust about this the other day and they referred to all of this as: Cops and Robbers.  In this case the Robbers are getting away with not actually teaching children while the parents are the Cops always trying to have justice be served.  Very interesting.

Here is the problem also with our Catholic school,  they are getting ready to have an conference at the beginning of next month.  Catholic educators conference.  There are plenty of little seminars within the conference about Autism (which according to the Center for Disease Control effects 1 in 110 children) but there is next to nothing about dyslexia (which effects 1 in 5 children). 

It's astonishing,  dyslexia is not even on the Catholic school administrators radar.


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